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Coastal Solid Surfaces

Coastal Solid Surfaces evolved in 2002 from our customers needing a faster and more versatile product to the other benchtop and wall surface products that were on the market .We bring our attention to detail and our extensive knowledge our joinery construction to complement our customer needs. 

We work closely with our major suppliers to bring our customers the latest colours , products and designs. Our software and Cnc machinery guarantees a beautiful finish to your home.

Owen and Nicole Guthrie founded Guthrie Industries in the Gosford area in 1999. Since then, we've built a reputation for our joinery, which includes kitchens, laundry units, vanities, wardrobes, entertainment units, bars, home office desks, and solid surface. We specialised in collaborating with architects, designers, builders, and home owners. We have always loved Solid Surface products and we now specialise in their production and installation.

We were named the MBA's "Newcastle/Central Coast Housing Sub Contractor of the Year" in 2003, and a finalist in the "kitchen over $20,000" category in 2004.

Guthrie Industries


Guthrie Industries t/a Coastal Solid Surfaces
ABN 55 119 060 212 Licence No 195725C
Unit 3, 22 Jusfrute Drive, West Gosford NSW 2250

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